The endless possibilities of the corozo

In the midst of the great boom and search for superfoods or superfruits beneficial to the body and with agroforestry potential, the corozo has one of the best curriculums. This unique bittersweet fruit, with a texture and color similar to grapes, grows naturally in the tropical dry forest between 0 and 300 meters above sea level. It coexists perfectly with livestock, as the fruit serves both as food and its shrub as a shelter in the dry season.

The corozo stands out for its versatility of consumption, in products such as: sweets, ice cream, sauces and even alcoholic beverages and that, with proper production methods, maintains its properties when ingested. It is one of the few fruits that combines vitamin A, C, magnesium, iron, antioxidants and even an important source of protein within itself.

All of the above makes corozo one of the native foods of Colombia with more potential in the international market and as one of the best allies for the integral care of the body. 

Corozo fruit on a tree