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This is the name of one of the most widely recognized Amazonian fruits, offering proven benefits to the human body thanks to its large amounts of vitamin C. However, the etymological origin of its name is an enigma that baffles scholars to this day:

Some linguists maintain that the term originates in the native languages of the Tupis and Ocamas, and that it is simply how the first natives of the jungle named the small fruit.  

On the other hand, some people claim that it is called Camu Camu because it is the onomatopoeia for the sound produced by the berries falling on the water during the flood season.

Other communities, mainly in Peru, use a somewhat similar analogy and think it is the sound of fish voraciously eating this Amazonian fruit once it falls into the river.

Although there is no general consensus on its name and the debate will most likely never end, what everyone agrees on is that Camu Camu has become a synonym of treasure due to its great benefits, becoming the “pink gold” for all those who know the richness of its properties. 

Picked up Camu Camu